Hey guys, this is Aaron Suttenfield here with RDS Lawn Care. And I want to do a quick video to talk a little bit about watering. We’re in the middle of July, and I wanted to share with you a few tips to help you as you navigate this summer, get enough water on your lawn without overwatering. When you overwater, you’re going to waste money, and you’re also going to damage the plant. So I’m standing here in a yard that in the month of June, this yard was watered four times, we’ve had a pretty hot summer. And this lawn has done well because it has not gotten too much water and it’s gotten the right amount. It’s important that when you water that you skip at least two days between your watering. The worst thing for a lawn is to sit in water, you will get fungal damage if your lawn sits in water too much. And so the best way to avoid that is to put some time between the days that you water. If you’re watering every day or you’re watering every other day. I don’t think there’s enough time between those waterings and I think your plant and your turf and your leaves are going to sit in water too long. The other thing to do is to make sure you water only in the morning, do not water in the evening. Again, when you water in the morning, it has time for the plant leaf to dry and not sit in water overnight where you’re going to have more fungal activity. So try to encourage your grass to go with less water. You know it’ll still maintain some color and will still be healthy. This lawn is being watered two times a week, Monday and Friday. And also we know how much water this system puts out. So if you’re not aware of how much water your systems using, do a simple test throw some cups, throw some balls out there, run your zone, and measure that water after 30 minutes and that’ll tell you how many inches of water your system puts out and how much you need to run that system to achieve one inch of water per week. Hope that helps, if you have any questions give us a call. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks.

The Impact Of Lawn Fertilization On Outdoor Activities
Lawns are the perfect place to enjoy outdoor activities with your family and friends. However, having a healthy lawn requires regular fertilization in order to